After the paint had dried, I went onto intaglio g the rear wheel ensuring to line everything up correctly and apply plenty of grease to the axle. Even with that, it required a light dunt with the hammer to slide in correctly. The chain slid over the sprocket easily as it was loose anyway. When the axel was installed I made sure the chain wa sitting correctly then I adjusted the slack checking that the free play was between 35mm and 40mm. After that I tightened up the nut on the axle to 98Nm of torque then tightened up the chain adjuster bolts at the rear. Once completed I reinstalled the pin and bent it into place.
I then checked the free play of the chain again to make sure that it remained within tollerence and measured the distance of the axle to the rear of the swingarm to ensure that the wheel is running straight.
After that I cleaned up the chain guard as best as possible and applied some "back to black" to give it a fresher and cleaner look.